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Qualities & Faults

Dog Records

Owned by the Animal Shelter


  • Coat Color - Wow, this dog has an awesome coloring. This dog should place really well with judges who like to stress coat colors.
  • Teeth - Pearly whites. This dog shouldn't need very many trips to the dentists office.


  • Behavior - If this dog isn't dangerous then its down right annoying. You'll have trouble convincing the judge that this dog has winning potential unless you start some serious training. Be careful! If this dog is prone to snapping, biting, or growling then its a good candidate for being disqualified from any show you put it in.
  • Coat Pattern - Hmmm...there's something unusual about this dog's coat pattern. Either it doesn't fit the standard or its just downright weird. This dog probably isn't show quality but maybe its puppies will be.



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