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Qualities & Faults

Dog Records

Owned by the Animal Shelter


  • Weight - Be careful! This dog has a really great weight, however if you overfeed or underfeed the judges are really going to notice...
  • Height - Good height, no problem. This dog will be a ringer for a breed champion, but how well will it stand up for grand champion? Now that's a whole other problem.


  • Coat Color - Oops. This dog is either a weird color or its color doesn't fit the breed standard. Something about its color is just odd. This may mean that the dog has some crossbreeding further back in its pedigree but you never know. One thing is for sure, its not showing material -- but its puppies might be.
  • Eyes - Yuck. This dog doesn't have the best eyes. But you never know, some judges might let this fault slide.



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