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Personal Kennel -- $30 a year

  • Multiple account discounts. If you're interested in upgrading more then one account at a time here are the prices:

    2 kennels: $50 a year
    3 kennels: $70 a year
    4 kennels: $100 a year
  • Your own kennel as a kennel owner. This means you no longer have to pay expensive boarding fees to keep your dogs. Your kennel is shut down once your subscription expires. [example]
  • Boarders can pay you a set fee to have you care for their dogs.
  • 5 place address book goes up to 10 places.
  • Increase from 3 handlers to 5 handlers. Handlers stay until they retire, even after your upgrade expires.
  • A savings account at the bank to help with money management. [example]
  • Own more dogs! The better you get at playing the more dogs you'll be allowed to own. You'll no longer have a 15 dog limit, your limit will increase by 1 dog every time you take show champion (50 max) and your 3 litter limit for female dogs will be increased to 5.
  • Journal where you can write down all sorts of information about yourself, your dogs, secrets you've learned about playing the game, and more. You can share your entries with other members to be rated or keep them private.
  • Detailed genetics, where you can see exactly how your dog's made up to help you for breeding and showing. [example] [example]
  • Create your own judge for the game. This includes favorite breed, color, gender, and juding standards. Your judge will stay a part of the game even after your upgrade expires. [example]
  • Become a vet and you can get paid to give shots, neuter dogs, and cure ilnesses. [example]
  • Become a genetics lab scientist and get paid to perform genetic tests.
  • Become a trainer and you can get paid to train dogs for other show events. This feature is in progress and is not available yet.
  • Once your upgrade has run out your adult dog limit will not be decreased back down to 15, however you won't be able to increase it anymore unless you renew your upgrade.


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