Club Registration Rules
1. Dog must be purebred back to all living relatives with one exception, UKI admits any x-breeds that meet all other requirements
2. Dog must have be show level C or higher
3. Dog must have at least 5 show champions
4. Dog must be 6m or older
5. Dog must not be neutered or spayed (at time of registration)
6. Dog must be in good health and up to date on all shots
What is a club?
A club is an association that helps other members find really good breeders and other top dogs in the game.
What's the benefit of joining a club?
First, your dog is automatically a guaranteed purebred if it is registered to any club other then the UKI. This will help you convince potential breeders that your dog has good a quality pedigree without the hassle of having to actually look through its pedigree. Second, your dog will be allowed to enter into club shows that award more money then non-club shows.
Are all dogs accepted?
No, your dog must meet the above registration rules and requirements.